
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Three Things to Ask Yourself Before You Start a Diet

 Oprah's trainer Bob Greene, says you should answer these questions before you start any weight loss journey.

1. Why are you overweight?
The real answer to this question is not simply: I like food—it goes much deeper, he says. "Are you in a toxic relationship? Do you hate what you do for a living? What is it about your life you would change?" Bob asks. "That answer is different for everyone. Get in touch with that."

2. Why do you want to lose weight?
The answer to this question will help you determine if you're beginning your weight loss journey with the right mindset, Bob says. "So many people [say], 'Oh, I have my reunion coming up,' or 'I get pressure from people at the workplace or my friends.' Those might get you going, but they'll never be long-term solutions," he explains. "The [best] answer to this question is, 'I want a better life for myself.'"

3. Why haven't you been successful to date?
If you have tried to lose weight in the past, Bob says it is important to explore the obstacles that have stood in your way to maintaining your goal weight. "It's about identifying what is going to trip you up, because the same things will trip you up if you haven't resolved the heart of the issue," he says

Well I don't know about you, but those are some difficult questions to answer!  They seem pretty straight forward on the surface, until you really start to think about them. I have been mulling them over for about a month now and some days I am ready to call Dr. Phil for a therapy session!

So Lynn, why are you over weight? Tell me girl!
For me question number one is the hardest to answer. The obvious response is, I eat too much and exercise too little, but that isn't the real problem. I think the better question is, do you know what is eating at you that causes you to overeat? Now for me, the answer to that question is really hard to pin point and it changes all of the time. The thing I have been trying to do is notice when I am tempted to binge or overeat and figure out what just happened to cause it.

I would like to hear what you think about the three questions. Please leave your comments below or email me at

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