
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A New Year, A New Start

 It is already day ten into the new year, and I am still trying to figure out what I need from Twenty Twelve.

I know that I want to continue to write my blog, even though I abandoned it back in July. I had to back away from it to realize that I enjoy writing, but I also didn't feel authentic writing about diet issues when I was struggling  so hard day to day, and failing miserably.

Before  moving to Alabama in 2009, I had to have three very complicated neck surgeries, and without going into all of the gory details, I lived more than nine months in a hard neck brace, and lost three years of my life. We then made the move 1200 miles from all of our family and friends, and for the first time in many years I did not have the focus of a job or a social life, and  I fell down the rabbit hole into depression. It didn't help that I had to deal some uninformed people saying  I was a failure, useless, and lazy. These people had too much influence over my daily thoughts and feelings, and before I knew it, I was believing them.

With the support of a loving husband, and a wonderful physician, I am feeling hopeful again, but I still am dealing with the extra pounds I had before, and those I added while I was in a darker place. While I am going to get back on the diet wagon, I don't plan to make this blog all about weight loss, because I don't have all of the answers, I am just a work in progress.

One thing I plan to pursue this year is a culinary career, and while I am still figuring out what direction to go with that, I will leave you with link to a video of something that happened to me in 2011, that gave me back some confidence in myself again.


  1. Great post mom! You really are an excellent writer

  2. You are a great writer, Lynn! I will totally read your blog! I think it will be nice that you want to include a variety of topics. Also, more people struggle with depression than will actually admit it. Thanks for sharing that! It makes people aware that there are others dealing with depression, too. Justy remember: the people who say someone is "a failure, useless and lazy" are the ones who have the problem, not you:)

  3. *just* remember

  4. Thank you Kim, I am thrilled that you stopped by to read the blog, and I really appreciate your comments.
