
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Setback is a Setup for a Comeback

I have been kind of down lately because my bathroom scale keeps going up and down, and it is the same three pounds over and over again. It has been three weeks since I have actually lost any weight and it is getting to me.

My eating has been really good, for the most part. I don't keep anything in the house that would even temp me to go off of my plan, and when I eat out, I am making good choices. So I guess the answer is I have to move more.

I knew the answer before I even wrote it, but I am having a really hard time getting motivated to exercise. We have a fully equipped exercise room where I live, but I am still  not at a weight that I feel comfortable working out with "those" people. You know who they are; the ones who are in tip top shape, that look at people who are not, like we have two heads? I take walks with my dog everyday but I really have to commit to some kind of cardio. Blah!!

Yesterday, I saw this saying  "A setback is a setup for a comeback" and it struck me! I guess it is time for my big comeback! Then a friend of mine posted this video of an amazing comeback!
I guess it was the Universe lining up, trying to tell me to get my act together! 

The bottom line is to never give up, even during setback experiences, because everything has a purpose in helping us obtain our goals. It is about the journey, not the destination!

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